Don’t be afraid of our long but descriptive name. We are Christian. We are a movement based on the protestant reformation principle of sola Scriptura. The Bible is our guide.
As described in our name, we observe the seventh-day Sabbath that as God created it, described in Genesis 2:2,3. This memorial of creation was not changed at anytime, and remains a sanctified period of rest.
The term Adventist refers to those believing in the second coming of Christ. The first advent was Jesus’ coming as told in the gospels, the second is His coming to take us from earth to heaven, as he promised in John 14:1-3.
And there is so much rich truths in the Bible that we hold. The Bible is full of wonderful, inspiring, hopeful yet forgotten, misinterpreted, misapplied stories, prophecies, and instructions that were made for you and I. Consider the tabernacle service and its illustration of God’s plan for our salvation. Consider the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation that provide a timeline that ends in our day. How do you resolve the dependency of grace on sin on the law, when Christianity says the law is gone? When the Bible is plainly interpreted, we find there’s no mystery. And with a clear reading of Scripture, we find lessons for all aspects of our life to make it one of love, joy, strength, hope, health, and wellness.
A Seventh-Day Adventist Christian is a follower of Christ who seeks the fullest understanding of truth and in that truth wants to fully know and share the love of God.
If you want have never read the Bible before, or if you have found it difficult to understand, consider starting with a Bible study guide, such as this. If you live nearby and are looking to grow in your relationship with the Lord, consider joining in our studies on Sabbath morning.