Ecclesiastes 10:16: Woe to thee, O land, when thy king (read Emperor or President) is a child… (KJV)
Dear Church Family,
I often think about this text when discussing today’s politics. Yes, it applies to both major political parties. But…
I happen to be reading a book by a former Secret Service agent who protected five different Presidents of the United States. Behind the scenes, he reveals some foibles, strong egos (too strong!), and surprising gentility of each President.
But he also reveals the crushing burden that each man felt. How they would attend church, seek counsel, lose sleep and counsel with former Presidents.
Now if any man could be scoffed at for their hubris, excess, and downright sin it would be any Roman Emperor. And yet, Paul would affirm:
1 Timothy 2:1 I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—2 for kings and all those in authority (read Emperor or President), that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.
I need to remember to pray for our leaders; their burden must be very heavy. And God bears us all.
Be Blessed,
Pastor Albert
“Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? 12 Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? 13 If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!"
Luke 11:11 - 13
Due to the contagious COVID-19, church is closed until it is safe to open.
If you need groceries, other supplies, or other types of assistance, please don't hesitate to contact your church family in regards to how we can help you.
New Arrival: Congratulations to Christian and Cassie (and their son, Saxon) Weiss on the delivery of their new daughter, Sparrow Joy Weiss. She arrived healthy on April 6 (yesterday), at 7:15 p.m., and weighs in at 8 pounds even and 21” long.
Mid-Week Bible Fellowship: [See the “Ongoing” section for how to tune in, a password is now required] This week we look at Luke 11:11 – 13, in our ongoing series on the Bible promises of the Holy Spirit.
“Steps to Christ” Bible Study:
I am inviting you to study Steps to Christ with me for six sessions, one per week. If you are interested, I am including a link for you to download lesson #1, “God’s Love for Man”.
Email me if you are interested. If you cannot download the lesson, let me know and I will help. Depending on how many sign up, we will have an online class and, perhaps, prayer partners and Q and A sessions. Response Deadline: Monday, April 13
100 Days of Prayer:
This is a World Church call to prayer. By email, once per day, I get a reminder to pray, scripture promises to claim, a devotional thought, and the opportunity to join others in prayer and fellowship. If you are looking for a daily devotional this is a great place to start.
Financial Help: The Church Board has set aside funds to help those in our church family who have been financially impacted by the pandemic. If you would like to receive such help, please contact one of the Elders directly (Betsy Adams, Raymond Barnes, Janet Barnhill, Janet Lui, Dahlma Osborne), or call me, Pastor Albert, at the Church Office. There are details and a process so that this will be confidential and smooth.
Reach Your Pastor: I am forwarding the church phone (310/541-1819) to my home phone (424/206-2949) and though it often has bad reception you can call my cell phone (626/826-8448) or text me. Email works, too:
Ongoing ‘Zoom’ Services: Please join us by telephone or computer, using the Zoom invitation in our News section. Our Mid-Week Bible Study (Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m.) is full of fellowship and personality. Our Sabbath Morning Adult Lesson (10 a.) and Homily (11 a.) We share our highs and lows, viewpoints and scripture promises, and pray requests. Here is the connection information. Please note that a password is required (it is our address, plus the number 7)
Topic: Rolling Hills Adventist: Mid-week Prayer Meeting Time: Wednesdays 7:00 p.m. Topic: Rolling Hills Adventist Church: Sabbath Morning Time: Sabbaths, 10 a. & 11 a. Online: Telephone: 253 215 8782 or 301 715 8592 US Meeting ID: 657 929 3321 Password: 283407
Recommended Viewing: There are many good choices. We are especially recommending It Is Written at and the Loma Linda University Church at
With most of us at home, we may not have many opportunities to give out tracts, but we should attempt to use every little opportunity that may make a difference! Here is a tract made specially for this time: You can read it here. Consider ordering a pack of these to give when helping someone out, co-workers (if you are one of those essential workers), or leaving in a place that still gets some traffic, or share this link online.
This pandemic has forced us to start using long-neglected technology platforms to reach out to people. If you spend time on social media—Facebook, Instagram, Nextdoor, and others—follow the various Adventist ministries that publish content that you can share. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram, and talk to Nathan about how you can help publish inspiring content on our church social media pages and our website.
Online Giving: did you know you can return your tithes and offerings online? Adventist Giving enables us to return our tithes and offerings online easily.Go to Adventist Giving
"And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."