Rolling Hills Adventist Church Newsletter, April 20

 Dear Church Family,

Do you like the kind of stuff you’re made of?  Do you have a good Character?

The quarantine we are in is a time when we each get to see how we deal with pressure, worries and inconvenience.  If, like me, you wish you had a better character to handle it better, I have good news.  God is giving us time to get a better character.

And His solution is free, just open the door (see Revelation 3, quoted below).

Pastor Albert

Revelation 3:18 I counsel you to buy from me gold (Character) refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes (Righteousness) to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve (Holy Spirit) to put on your eyes, so you can see. 19 Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent. 20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.
John 14:25 “All this I have spoken while still with you. 26 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. 27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
This text will be featured in our
Wednesday Mid-week Bible Study Fellowship
  • Due to the contagious COVID-19, church is closed until it is safe to open. 
  • If you need groceries, other supplies, or other types of assistance, please don't hesitate to contact your church family in regards to how we can help you.
Pastor Danny Chan our Region Director, joined us for worship last Sabbath and enjoyed his time with us very much.  He writes, “It was such a pleasure to be with [you], and I will look forward to visiting in person as soon as we are able.”
More News Needed
I am going to start interviewing, by telephone, as many members as I can, asking for news.  Please don’t be surprised if I call you!


1. Daily: 100 Days of Prayer:
This is a World Church call to prayer.  By email, once per day, I get a reminder to pray, scripture promises to claim, a devotional thought, and the opportunity to join others in prayer and fellowship.  If you are looking for a daily devotional this is a great place to start.
To begin, and sign up:
2. Daily: Recommended Viewing:  There are many good choices. We are especially recommending It Is Written at and the Loma Linda University Church at
3. Daily: Rolling Hills Church Prayer Call: Tuesdays – Sundays, 1:00 p.m. / Mondays 12:00 noon, we join the “Weekly SCC Prayer Call” (See the next paragraph for participation information).
4. Weekly: Mondays:Weekly SCC Prayer Call” 12 Noon with the Southern California Conference Prayer, Spirituality and Renewal Team.  To participate call (435) 777-2200. When asked, enter the identification number: 202077#  There is always a special devotional, testimonies and prayer requests are fielded.  Janet Lui can answer questions: (310) 963-2578 Helpful commands:
  • *5 = ‘Raising your hand’ to ask permission to chime in.
  • *6 = To mute or unmute your phone
  • *86 = Increase speaking volume
  • *87 = Decrease speaking volume
5. Weekly: Mondays: Women’s Ministry Group: Host, Janet Lui, “Please Invite other women that you think might like this time of fellowship, devotional and prayer. Open to all women.”  Mondays, 3:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Telephone: (253) 215-8782  or (301) 715-8592
Meeting ID: 948 549 513 Online Password: Tutu77 Telephone Password: 482073
6. Weekly: Wednesdays and Sabbaths: ‘Zoom’ Services:  Please join us by telephone or computer, using the Zoom invitation in our News section.  Our Mid-Week Bible Study is full of fellowship and personality.  Our Sabbath Morning Adult Lesson (10 a.) and Homily (11 a.) We share our highs and lows, viewpoints, scripture promises, and pray requests.  Here is the connection information.  Please note the password (it is our address, plus the number 7)
Topic: Rolling Hills Adventist: Mid-week Prayer Meeting Time: Wednesdays 7:00 p.m.
Topic: Rolling Hills Adventist Church: Sabbath Morning Time: Sabbaths, 10 a. & 11 a.
Telephone:  (253) 215-8782  or (301) 715-8592
Meeting ID: 657 929 3321  Password: 283407
Ongoing Announcements:
Financial Help:  The Church Board has set aside funds to help those in our church family who have been financially impacted by the pandemic.  If you would like to receive such help, please contact one of the Elders directly (Betsy Adams, Raymond Barnes, Janet Barnhill, Janet Lui, Dahlma Osborne), or call me, Pastor Albert, at the Church Office.  There are details and a process so that this will be confidential and smooth.
Reach Your Pastor: I am forwarding the church phone (310/541-1819) to my home phone (424/206-2949) and though it often has bad reception you can call my cell phone (626/826-8448) or text me.  Email works, too:
It Is Written Online Meeting: 

It Is Written will conduct a virtual, online evangelistic event starting April 17 that will reach all of North America. Over 600 churches have joined with us in online advertising, and thousands have already registered for the meetings.

The month-long series, entitled Revelation Today: Hope Awakens, will feature Pastor John Bradshaw and present the prophetic message of the Bible while speaking to hearts burdened by anxiety, fear, and uncertainty. The interactive meetings will be viewable on mobile devices and online. Individuals are encouraged to register for the series at

I encourage you to write a thoughtful note to your friends and family inviting them to join!

God has given us counsel on how we should take care of our bodies so that we can be in the best health to enjoy life and be of service to others. If you haven't read what that counsel is, or if you haven't read it recently, take some time to look through it and see how you can improve your wellbeing. Read Counsels on Diet and Foods. — Health Ministries Team
 Online Giving: did you know you can return your tithes and offerings online?  Adventist Giving enables us to return our tithes and offerings online easily.  Go to Adventist Giving
"For the wages of sin is death,
but the gift of God is
eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Romans 6:23
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