August 7, 2020

Matthew 4:23 Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people.
Today’s message has three sources, or roots.
1. Pastor Ivan Piercey, who I worked with, who would often begin his sermons with, “I have good news today!”
2. Pastor Bill Hybels (Christian author), who said in a seminar that we attended, “You Matter to God!”  I thought it was a great way to summarize the next source:
3. The Lord, of whom it was written: “Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people.
So.  Using this tone, and relying on Scripture, we came up with a list of statements that match up with the “good news” as taught by Jesus:
You matter to God.
God moved in with us.
The powers of this world were no match for the Power of Jesus, and I have the power to choose.
We can break out of here. Let’s Go!
Jesus won, then picked us on His team.  Winners!
We are being restored to mint condition.  [Better than finding in a junk yard, a ’64, V-8, Mustang with factory tachometer, 4-speed tranny and factory torsion bars. (It’s a guy thing, ask me about it sometime...)]
For the gals: We are prized better than a brand-new Gucci bag for $5 at a garage sale. 
Reclaimed. Restored. Re-useful again.
Be Blessed,
Pastor Albert
PS If you can improve on these declarations, I will gladly pass them along. I dare you to give it a try!
Luke 12:31 But seek his kingdom,
and these things will be given to you as well.
32 Do not be afraid, little flock,
for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.
Prayer Requests: We are asking that if you have a prayer request that you write us an email explaining your petition.  We will pass it along to the Worship Leader each Sabbath.  Please provide as many details as you can. If you can provide the name and address of those who need prayer, with their permission, we will write them a brief note expressing our prayer-hopes for them.  During worship, you may also type up your requests in the “Chat” box.
Week of Encouragement: We have been participating in a video series provided by the leadership of the Southern California Conference (our area headquarters) each evening, for a week.  Beginning at 7:00 p.m., we have encouraging teaching from God’s word, a musical selection and an encouraging story from a lay person.  Many of us have been participating in prayer sessions which follow immediately afterwards.
It is not too late to enjoy the program tonight.  It concludes tomorrow evening.  To ‘tune in’ go to:  Friday night will be “Episode 7” and Saturday night: “Episode 8”.  You should also be able to listen to previous episodes which are saved there.
Outdoor Church: Beginning this Sabbath, and following, we will have outdoor church.  Later, when we are allowed, we will move indoors. 
Classes begin at 9:45 a.m. for Adults and 10:00 a.m. for others.  The Juniors and Youth Divisions will be meeting at the church, under shade covers.  Adults will be able to join, in person, and the class is still offered on Zoom.  Because of the ocean breezes, please dress in layers.  It can feel quite cool, although it is mid-summer.
But don’t dress up too formally, we are in ‘camp-meeting’ style of dress. No neckties, men!  And being a guy, I don’t know what to say to the ladies(!), but casual is good.
Please plan on wearing a mask, maintaining distance and we will take your temperature.  We are complying with our state requirements.
Sermon Series: We have asked our Youth and Juniors to tell us who their Bible Heroes are, and the reasons why.  We are using the answers for the sermon subjects for this month and next.  We intend to preach in ‘story telling’ mode, which is enjoyable for all ages.
Last week we learned how Noah found the strength to obey.  Today’s story will be around Joseph; the Old Testament one.
A mentor would tell us, “We all like our cookies on the low shelf!”  (Please don’t ask me to explain… it would lose something.)
Men’s Ministry Meeting: At 3:00 p.m., men are meeting at the church.  We have completed one lesson and will choose among three lesson programs for our ongoing fellowship.  We have the goal to ‘grow spiritually’. Now would be a great time to join us.
Wednesday Prayer Meeting: We resume our mid-week Bible Study and Prayer time.  Please join us on Zoom.  Our church website (Link is below) has the listings of all of our meetings…
Newsletter is Late! Yes, we have been busy with the evening ‘Week of Encouragement’ meetings and that put us behind.  We hope to catch up better for next week.

If you have a blessing to share with the church, please send us your message to include in our next newsletter!


Sabbath School this quarter we want to brainstorm ideas to be more effective both individually and as a church to share the love of God. Please join us to provide your testimony, experience, and ideas. Join us Sabbaths at 9:40am.

Reach Your Pastor: I am forwarding the church phone (310/541-1819) to my home phone (424/206-2949). You can call my cell phone (626/826-8448), text me, or email me:

Read the rest of the news at
Zoom info for All meetings:

This is the perfect time to share more uplifting messages online: if you have any social media accounts, follow and share post, messages, and comments with and from our church accounts on Facebook, Instagram, our youth Instagram, our local conference page. There are many people online who may not come to church, but may see a message that will encourage them to seek Christ. 

A healthy body is the foundation for an optimally healthy mind that will also be the foundation for an optimally healthy spirituality. And optimal health is the greatest protection against COVID-19, which, unfortunately, is still out there. What is and how we can have this optimal health is a quest we will always be on in this world of imperfect understanding, so here are some new videos for you to keep learning from! Watch the latest videos from Modern Manna's online Health and Healing Crusade! 
 Online Giving: did you know you can return your tithes and offerings online?  Adventist Giving enables us to return our tithes and offerings online easily.  Go to Adventist Giving
Luke 13:29 People will come from east and west and north and south, and will take their places at the feast in the kingdom of God.
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