Our Church

The Rolling Hills community of faith strives to have a growing, vibrant faith. We are a multi-ethnic, family-oriented community church that counts it a blessing and privilege to fellowship, study and worship God together with you each week. We are a body of believers dedicated to sharing God’s love with our community. As a Seventh-day Adventist Church, we are also part of a global network of likeminded Christians spreading the gospel around the world. Whether you are new to the area, or just want to find a new church home, you are welcome as our guests to join us any time!

Our desire is to acquaint you with Jesus through our worship services every Sabbath (Saturday) morning starting with Sabbath School classes for all ages from cradle roll to youth and to adults). 


The Rolling Hills congregation was formed in September, 1967 and the building’s groundbreaking in September of 1970. The Wilmington and San Pedro congregations joined together to worship first in the Methodist, then in the Baptist, and finally in the Unitarian churches.

The charter members worked together to build this church. Some constructed, some cooked meals, others dug dirt, hauled trash, nailed boards, cleaned forms, tied rebar, designed the stained class, installed the overhead beams, organ, and pews; and all rejoiced as they saw it come together. Those charter members included Alvin Bennett, Rose and Philip Cabellon, Velma Frederick, Bessie Mae and Bob Bellinghausen, Robert Harvey, Myrtle Shinkle, Betty and Jim Muths, Dick and Gail Shadduck, Verna Randall, Ray Kablanow, Charles Randall, Scotty, our builder, Pastor and Mrs. Apigian, and many others.

The land was purchased for a mere $165,000 in 1969.  Their weekly sacrificial gift of $1000 enabled the building process to keep going.  But it wasn’t the money or the equipment that built this place. What happened here in the 1970’s wasn’t just construction—though some pretty spectacular construction did occur.  What happened was that individuals worked together to form a family, a body, a church.  As men, women, and children pounded together, cleaned together, and prayed together, ate together, and dreamed together, a family bond was formed that still exists today.